
Emotions, the only thing we lack on 15th August, emotions. If your brother/sister is killed by any body, will u will happy to see the murderer in glory. No, u will not, u will fire up in revenge. If you capture a animal or bird, will not u revenging or killing? They are helpless. When u killed their one of the loved, they are helpless, purely and truly helpless.

hey man u the cruel
don't be proud and bad
and make as sad
as we lose our loved one

O! man U cruelest
u kill our loveliest
O! man of worst deeds
the forest of our freedom
our home u destory

One day u man
u shall destory
u shall destory

Hello everybody, this is a very special post because this is about INDIA.
India has now completed 63 years of Independence. But, is India still independent. I mean, the people living in India. Mahatma Gandhi, the one who fought for our independence without even actually fighting. Did he fought for this day, when there is still corruption. Shopkeepers eating commissions. Government increasing price on every single item. Many people even think that this is the 64th year of independence, but it isn’t. India got independent on August 15 1947. On 1950, it completed three years. Add 50 to it and we come are now in 2000. Add 10 more and we are in 2010. 3+50+10 = 63 years of independence. India has achieved very much in these 63 years, developing in every condition, facing every problem. See the video below to see how Indians have created history.
But, India is still not fully independent and this is the thing which we need to remember while celebrating the Independence Day.
But, India has achieved so much and we cannot deny that. Recently, Indian currency has got its own symbol(to know more about it, click here) on 15th July 2010. On the same day, India also made the first ever Indian browser called Epic Browser(click here to know more). There are things that need to be changed, the forgotten issue of the tigers, you still need to save them. Don’t forget that there have been many shining moments for India and will continue to be. Here are the pics of some of the shining moments:-
There are many more moments, like Sachin Tendular(who is an Indian) is recognized as the GOD of cricket, and no doubt he is. He is the only person to make 200 runs in an One Day International match. If I talk about him, I can write hundreds of pages but  don’t think that now is the chance. India has everything which the world has but also many bad things. India needs to develop and one day, if India gets the correct government, they are definitely going to come up as a great country. I am just a 11 year old boy, so I don’t think that I can change the world right now, but to all of you grown ups, stand up and fight for your country(if you want to, no compulsion:P ) and show the other countries like Australia and England who treats us as dogs. Show them that India is better than them. Do anything you want and try to do a work by which we can stand up proudly with our heads-up. You know that you want to, and you know that you have to. So, celebrate this Independence Day by doing something for your country.
Before publishing this post, I want to show you people that what a doodle google has on this Independence Day. See it below.
What have you planned to do for this Independence Day? Tell By Commenting.
Keep visiting my blog for more.

!!!JAI HIND!!!

Cold in my heart Freezing me over
Crushing my bone, in the death of loner
Cold in my tear which roll over
down upon the tower
The breeze of coldness
the sign of loneliness
when moon is darker and gloomier
upon loom of blacker sky
than my sadness lantern tears
O! God I trust u
with blow of my heart I pray u
I want to come with u
come with u….

-akshdeep singh